From Cristina Benitez:
Hello LCEH Leads, Subrepicients, Community Agencies/Organizations, GAB Board members,
We have this training opportunity with the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence. Please share with your staff and  community agencies.
They are providing information to work with this at-risk vulnerable population.
HUD requires our inclusion with those who may be experiencing or experienced Domestic and/or Sexual Violence to be considered for our HUD COC housing programs and review their needs  for housing in Case Conferencing. (Ensuring their confidentiality is protected.) We are also mandated to have VAWA emergency transfer plans in our Coordinated Entry Policies/Case Conferencing.
It is helpful to have an interactive dialogue/participate and be on camera to have meaningful exchanges of information during the training.  The subject matter experts are providing the training and an opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insights!
There is one training left in this series:
3. Trauma Informed Care (April 25, 2024 at 1:00pm to 2:30pm)
Please sign up using the ACES DV link to sign up for the virtual training. It will be interactive. There is a current cap of 60 per session; however, if there is more interest we can adjust.
Here is the link for the training series: ADOH Training Series – Coalition Manager!
Sign up as soon as you can training is April 25, 2024.