Point In Time

Homeless Count and Housing Inventory Count

Point In Time (PIT) Homeless Count

The PIT count is a one night snapshot of homelessness in Pinal County.  It occurs each year during the last 10 days of January.  It answers the question “How many persons were homeless on a specific night in Pinal County?”  The count includes persons who stayed the night in an emergency shelter or transitional housing; and persons living in a place not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings, or other public places.

Point In Time (PIT) Population by Race

Housing Inventory Count (HIC)

The HIC is a one night inventory of provider programs in Pinal County that provide beds and units dedicated to serve persons experiencing homelessness.  It answers the question “What was our inventory of available beds and units on the same night that the PIT count occurred?”

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National Substance Abuse Hotline


Suicide and Crisis Hotline


Safe Place 24/7 Youth (Ages 12-17)

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