News & Events
In the News
HUD Resource Digest for Homeless Providers
To support partnerships between public health authorities, homeless service systems, and other partners at the local level, and the vulnerable households served, HUD and its partners are issuing guidance from subject matter experts on best practices and lessons...
Local First Arizona/Arizona Economic Resource Center
All services and resources from the Arizona Economic Resource Center are available free of charge to eligible rural and tribal communities and nonprofit organizations. To date the Center, an initiative of Local First Arizona, has helped our state to win 144...
State HTF Transitional Housing Notice of Funding Availability
INFORMATION BULLETIN: 62-23 ISSUED: December 4, 2023 RE: State HTF Transitional Housing Notice of Funding Availability The Arizona Department of Housing (“ADOH” or the “Department”) is pleased to announce a Notice of Funding Availability (“NOFA”) for approximately $25...
New program to help Seniors
Here is a printable flyer Pinal - Gila Council for Senior Citizens (8.5 x 11 in) (6) 1
AZ Balance of State Continuum of Care Governance Advisory Board Membership Application
The Arizona Balance of State Continuum of Care (AZBOSCOC) is seeking committed and knowledgeable candidates interested in serving on the Governance Advisory Board (GAB) which is the governing/advisory entity that provides leadership and strategic guidance for the...
PCCEH Membership renewal
To be a voting member, agencies must submit the membership form each January. Please visit and complete a membership form. You can then submit it via the website under the "Contact us Today" section at the bottom of the website.
PCCEH seeks volunteers
There are several ways for your organization to help the Coalition with its mission to coordinate the implementation of a housing and service delivery system that meets the needs of persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness throughout Pinal County. One way is to...
PCCEH new Chair and Vice-chair elected
On October 10, 2023, the PCCEH elected its new Chair and Vice-chair persons. Congratulations to: Cinda Thorne, with Molina Healthcare, will serve as our chairperson for the next two years. Sheryl Bigelow, with Begin Again Homes, will serve as our Vice-chair for the...
Vitalyst Systems Change Grants Submission Portal Closes October 6th
Vitalyst two-tiered Systems Change and Spark Grants are designed to catalyze collaborative work that transforms systems through changes to policies and practices that improve the health for our communities. Systems Change Grants invest in efforts that positively...
Vitalyst Systems Change Grant
The Vitalyst Systems Change Grants submission portal opens tomorrow, September 1, at 8:00 A.M. The Systems Change Grants Information Session can be viewed in the video below. Click here to view the slide deck. For Frequently Asked Questions, click here. Letters of...
Local Events
Tribal Health Symposium 10.24.2023
Free Mammograms at CG Project Connect
Apache Junction Sock Drive
AJ Project Connect 10.11.2023
Contact Sheryl Bigelow [email protected] 480-982-4110 for more information or to set up a booth.
Southern Arizona VA Homeless Summit 7.12.2023
Casa Grande Alliance Fundraiser with Panda Express
Casa Grande Project Connect July 21, 2023
CLICK HERE FOR Casa Grande 2023 Project Connect Flyer
Hydration & Cooling Stations – Eloy, Coolidge & Casa Grande
CLICK HERE FOR 2023 Hydration and Cooling Stations List
Job Fair April 24, 2023 in Casa Grande
AJ Pop Up Restaurant April 14th
Training Events
Overview of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Intermediate Motivational Interviewing Workshops
Please see the attachment for the details! MI June-July 2024 flyer (1)
Grants 101 Training, May 16 by the Grants Professionals Association
This presentation is intended to help Grant Pros provide an overview of grants to your colleagues who are less familiar with grants and/or the grant-seeking process. We will address common misconceptions and misunderstandings non-Grant Pros often share. Online...
Capital Grant Webinars Training by Arizona Complete Health
These webinars provide an invaluable platform for organizations like yours to gain insights about their Capital Grant process, learn more about AZ Complete Health 2024 funding priority areas, their new grant portal, and other valuable information. Additionally,...
Arizona DES Resource Partner Sessions
If you haven't yet attended or would like an opportunity to attend a refresher, please sign up for a Resource Partner session. The registration links for the upcoming sessions are listed below. Please register separately for each session and be sure to select the...
HUD Resource Digest for Homeless Providers
To support partnerships between public health authorities, homeless service systems, and other partners at the local level, and the vulnerable households served, HUD and its partners are issuing guidance from subject matter experts on best practices and lessons...
EQUITY FOR ALL ARIZONANS, a Capstone Presentation by Arizona Town Hall
Monday, April 22, 2024 11:30 - 1:00 PM online via Zoom Speakers from across the state will highlight recommendations from community town halls. Register Here
AZ Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Upcoming Events & Training
UPCOMING ACESDV EVENTS & TRAININGS Please go to the link below to see what the Coalition has available.
AZ Complete Health Community Giving Webinars
Dear Valuable Stakeholders and Partners, I hope this email finds you well. As the Statewide Community Giving Lead for Arizona Complete Health, I am excited to extend an invitation to you and your organization to join us for our upcoming Community Giving Webinars. Our...
Overlooked & Overburdened: People Experiencing Homelessness & Heat Webinar
National Integrated Heat Health Information System Webinar Please tune into our webinar at For more information about future webinars, NIHHIS National, or heat-related content, please visit Please send your questions, comments...
ADOH/AZ Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence Training Series
Training Offered Understanding Dynamics and Impacts of Domestic Violence (March 04, 2024 01: 00 PM - 02: 30 PM) Understanding Behaviors; Survivors External Way of Processing Trauma (April 08, 2024 10: 00 AM - 11: 30 AM) Trauma Informed Care (April 25, 2024 01: 00 PM...