PCCEH Standing Committees

The PCCEH has created standing committees to do the work of the PCCEH efficiently and effectively. Members of the PCCEH are invited and encouraged to participate in a committee. Committee leads shall be appointed by the PCCEH Chairperson. If you are interested in joining one of the committees below, Please leave a message in the Contact us Today form at the bottom of the page.

PCCEH Standing Committees:

Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), Coordinated Entry, and Case Conferencing Committee – Oversees local data and local participation in HMIS; works to implement and monitor the local Coordinated Entry system;  coordinates services, prioritizes individuals on the By Name List for housing, and initiates referrals of individuals on the By Name List to housing programs; collaboratively works to problem solve housing related issues for individuals within the community.

Membership Committee – Invites, recruits and encourages participation in PCCEH.  Identifies gaps in membership and participation in PCCEH.  May assist in developing leadership slate and elections.

Point in Time (PIT)  Count Committee –  recruits participation and ensures PIT is conducted in Pinal County on an annual basis.  Identify a local coordinator to attend annual training and lead Pinal County PIT process.  Coordinates data collection with ADOH.

Executive Committee – includes chairperson, vice-chairperson, committee leads, lead agency representation, and other coalition members as appointed by chairperson, vice-chairperson, and lead agency representative.  The Executive Committee shall discuss, exchange, and agree to ideas regarding the PCCEH’s performance, make recommendations for trainings and meeting topics, annually update the Governance Charter, and ensure the Governance Charter and PCCEH Policies and Procedures are being followed.

Social Justice and Racial Equity Committee – monitors diversity, equity, inclusion and access within the Pinal County homelessness response system and provides expertise and guidance to the PCCEH as it relates to addressing disparity and improving racial equity and social justice.

Strategic Planning Committee – works to ensure the actions identified in the current PCCEH Strategic Action plan are accomplished.  In coordination with the Executive Committee, identify future strategic action plan priorities and activities.

The PCCEH meets on the 2nd Tuesday of  February, April, June, August, October, and December.   Meetings are open to any individual or organization that embraces the mission, values, and goals of the PCCEH.  The individual or organization must have an interest in understanding and addressing the issues related to homelessness, and a desire to participate in some way in the PCCEH’s most current strategic plan to end homelessness.

For more information, send a message through the Contact Us Today mailbox.

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