Our Purpose
The purpose of the PCCEH is to coordinate the implementation of a housing and service delivery system that meets the needs of persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness throughout Pinal County. Through a coordinated response, the PCCEH aims to ensure all people experiencing a housing crisis are quickly identified, have their needs assessed, and are connected to housing and assistance based on their needs.
Our Work
Although the PCCEH does not provide direct services, the continuum of services provided through the partnering agencies of the PCCEH is designed to meet the specific needs of people who are experiencing homelessness. Through the PCCEH, service providers work collaboratively within a community network to provide individualized services to Pinal County residents to achieve housing stability and prevent a return to homelessness.
Our Structure
Members in PCCEH include governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, health agencies, and more. Housing provider partner agencies utilize the Coordinated Entry process established by the PCCEH, participate in case conferencing and placement of person in housing, and contribute to the Balance of State Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).